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How to Keep Your House Safe if Your Garage Door is Your Front Door

For some families coming in through the main front door is a big “no-no”. Why? Because it pays to keep front entryway as free from dirty footprints and other unpleasant debris from outside. Instead, many families will use their garage as their front door.
This is especially helpful when there is a lot of foot traffic constantly going in and out of the house. Plus, when there is inclement weather where snowy boots and muddy, rain-soaked sneakers can wreak havoc on the foyer.
While this is a great way to keep your home clean when using the garage as the main entryway mean you also have to worry about burglars. Open garages are a prime target for thieves who will make off with valuable tools, sports equipment, and anything else they can carry. This is why it’s important to ensure that your home is safe whether you’re home or not. Here are a few ways that you can keep your home safe when your garage door is also used as the front door.
Keep the Garage Door Closed At all Times, Even When You Are Home
When you aren’t walking into (or out of) the house or working in the yard, the garage door doesn’t need to be open. Thieves and other unsavory characters will often look for a weak point in the house. Unlocked doors and windows make it easy for burglars to enter the home and take off with your valuables.
It helps to have a garage door with a lock that will automatically engage once it closes behind you. Burglars rely on opportunity and speed to quickly get in and out of the house. By keeping the garage door closed and locked, you make it much more difficult for criminals to gain entry into your home.
Go Heavy Duty with the Doors
Lightweight garage doors make it easy for someone to pry them open and sneak into the garage. Once they are in, all a thief has to do from there is jimmy the door leading to the rest of the house. Consider going with a heavy, steel garage door. Again, thieves rely on being able to quickly get in. They won’t spend time fighting with a heavy steel door.
Light Up the Garage
Automatic lights can work wonders to fool burglars into thinking that you’re home. This is a simple security tip that helps to make people think twice before trying to break in. Putting lights around the top of the doors will turn on anytime someone steps within the range of the sensor. Anyone trying to come in through the garage will be illuminated making it easy to spot anyone who isn’t supposed to be there.
Keep Your Vacation a Secret
It’s tempting to share with the world that you are going on a dream vacation. However, in a world where people share too much, you might want to resist that urge. Burglars will use your social media posts as an invitation to break into your home. Pairing this with an unsecured garage makes it easy for a criminal to come in when you aren’t there.
By taking the right precautions, you can prevent criminals from using your home as their own private store. Keeping your garage safe and secure both when you are and are not home will save you from dealing with the aftermath of a burglary. Especially one which could be easily prevented.