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Find Out How to Plant a Pineapple in Your Garden

how to plant a pineapple Find Out How to Plant a Pineapple in Your Garden

You don’t need to wait until you go to the store for fresh, juicy pineapple. It can be grown in your own home or garden. While other plants can take years to produce fruit, the pineapple will begin to show signs of fruity goodness in 2-3 months. Growing pineapple at home does take a little more work upfront. Isn’t it worth it though to have your own succulent fruit available anytime you want though? We’re going to walk you through the steps to grow your own fresh pineapples.

Get Yourself a Ripe Pineapple

You don’t need any seeds for this tutorial. Just a nice, ripe pineapple from the grocery store. When looking for the perfect pineapple to create the new plant, it will need to have thick green leaves. Be sure to avoid any store bought fruit which has dried out leaves.

Remove the Crown

Once you have the pineapple back home, it’s time to remove the crown. You will cut off the top of the pineapple just a little beneath the leaves. If there is any fruit still attached to the crown you need to remove it. You want to do this to ensure no fruit pulp is left to rot the plant after putting it in the soil.

Expose the Stalk

You’ll notice there is stalk where the pineapple crown was removed from the fruit. Cut away any leaves that are still attached to the stalk. Ideally, there needs to be about an inch of stalk exposed. This will be the part which is planted in the soil. It’s important to dry out the stalk for a few days before planting it. Planting it before the stalk is fully dried out increases the chances of root rot to occur.

Plant the Pineapple

Now that the stalk is dry you can plant the new pineapple. You’ll need a pot that is at least 6 inches deep. This will allow the roots to spread out from the stalk. As the plant grows, you’ll need to transfer it to a different pot to ensure there is enough room for new growth.

Speaking of growth, having the proper soil will help improve your pineapple’s chances of bearing fruit. The best soil for pineapple is one which is a mixture which drains easily. Peat, sand, and perlite are an ideal mix for this type of plant.

Plant your new pineapple about an inch into the soil and lightly water it every few days. Make sure not to overwater this plant as it is one of the fastest ways to kill it. Also, keep in mind this plant needs a lot of sunlight. If you have planted it outside, then the plant needs between 8 to 12 hours of sunlight per day. For indoor plants, be sure to place it in a sunny, warm room in the house.

grow a pineapple

Repotting Your Plant

It can take up to 3 months for the pineapple to take root. Once it does, you can move it to a flower pot that is around 12 inches deep. Monitor the plant for new growth. After a year or so, the pineapple plant can move to an even deeper pot to maximize its growth. You’ll begin to notice fruit a year or two after planting it in a deeper planter of 3 to 5 gallons.


For a delicious tropical fruit, pineapples are easy and inexpensive to grow. One of the best things you can do to ensure that your plant grows healthy and strong is to take the proper steps in the beginning.